Neville Voss Discusses How To Decide If The Switch To Solar Panels Is Right For Your Texas Home

Deciding whether to switch to solar panels for your home is a big decision. Whether you’re a homeowner or renter in the Lone Star State, there are some essential factors to consider before you make the switch. Neville Voss explains the advantages and disadvantages of switching to solar energy in Texas. He also discusses the kind of system to install.

The Benefits of Solar Energy in Texas

Texas is well known for its hot, sunny climate, making it an ideal place to install solar panels on your rooftop or your property. Solar panels absorb the sun’s rays and convert them into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then converted into alternating (AC) electricity that powers your home. The main advantages of using solar energy include the following:

Reduced Energy Costs

One of the most significant advantages of installing solar panels on your home is that it can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill. This can translate into immediate savings once you have had them installed and connected to your existing grid-tied system. Depending on how much electricity you use each month, you could see savings ranging from 10%-35% additionally if you generate more power than what you use each month.

Environmental Benefits

Besides reducing energy costs, switching to solar panels has numerous environmental benefits. With so many people moving towards renewable sources of energy, like wind and solar power, instead of traditional fossil fuels (like coal), we can help reduce air pollution levels around us by decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels that emit harmful gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, by using renewable sources such as these, we are helping conserve natural resources like water and oil, which will benefit us all in the long run.                                                                  

Tax Incentives & Rebates        

In addition to cost savings and environmental benefits that come with switching to solar energy in Texas, some tax incentives are available for those who choose to go this route. For instance, Texas homeowners who install solar systems may be eligible for an exemption from certain taxes related to their purchase and installation of these systems—a rebate that can amount to as much as $10,000, depending on their situation. Also, some utility companies offer discounts or other incentives when customers choose solar energy instead of traditional grid-tied electricity sources, resulting in further cost savings down the line.

The Disadvantages of Solar Panels

Like anything else, switching to solar energy also has some drawbacks. One of the most significant drawbacks is the cost. Purchasing and installing high-quality solar panels is costly (though it may be cheaper in the long run than staying with traditional energy sources).

What’s more, even though most homes in Texas receive plenty of sunshine throughout the year, there may be times when cloud cover blocks out some of that sunlight and reduces the amount of electricity produced by your panels.

Finally, while most states offer tax credits or other incentives for switching to renewable energy sources like wind or solar power, Texas does not have a statewide incentive program. However, local governments and (large and small) utility companies offer incentives to those homeowners going solar. For example, Austin residents are eligible for benefits from Austin Energy.

What Kind Of System Should You Install?

In addition to choosing between different types of panels (monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline), there are other factors to consider when selecting a system, such as the size and number of batteries needed to store energy generated by the panels (if any). If you need help deciding which type of system best suits your needs, consult a local electrician or contractor specializing in residential installations. They can provide advice based on their experience working with similar projects in your area.


Making the switch from traditional electricity sources to solar power can have many benefits for homeowners in Texas—namely, savings on electricity bills and reducing their carbon footprint—but there are also some drawbacks to consider before making this switch, such as cost and lack of available incentives in the state. Neville Voss says that ultimately deciding whether or not switching to solar power is right for you depends on weighing both the pros and cons before making a final decision. However, if you’re looking for ways to reduce your electricity bill while doing something good for Mother Nature at the same time, then investing in quality solar panels might just be worth it.